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About me

Unfortunately, there are always circumstances in life that are stressful or there are experiences/illnesses/strokes of fate that burden a person in the long term and sustainably. It is also often not possible to name why you have lost your zest for life or your motivation or never had them. I would like to support you with my work as a psychotherapist in these times, offer relief and new perspectives or possibilities. 
Also, if you want to get to know yourself better or gain clarity in your life, I would be happy to support you! Changes develop through an appreciative dialogue, the questioning of previous assumptions and patterns or what is stuck. You are an expert on your own circumstances, including your autonomy and self-determination.

Please get in touch if you have further questions reagarding therapy with me!


training and further education

Mai 2024

certification as an EMDR therapist

EMDR Institute Austria

since October 2021

certification as a trauma therapist

Further training in "Trauma Psychotherapy" at the Center for Applied Psychotraumatology ZAP Vienna;

October 2021

Degree in Systemic Psychotherapy

Official Degree and listed on the Website of the Federal Ministry for social affairs, health, care and consumer protection

2017 - October 2021

Systemic psychotherapy training

Psychotherapeutic Specialist Specific  ÖAS , Vienna


Psychotherapeutisches Propädeutikum. ÖAGG, Wien


Advanced training in emergency psychology

University course Psychological emergency management and crisis intervention  Sigmund Freud University , Vienna

October 2014

Graduated from Diploma in Psychology

Graduated as Mag.rer.nat in the Psychology Diploma,  University of Vienna


Professional background

Since October 2021

Psychotherapist, Systemic Psychotherapy

Since July 2019

Psychotherapist in training under supervision, systemic psychotherapy

free practice

March 2018 - November 2022


Family and Juvenile Court Aid, 1030 Vienna



Vocational training and rehabilitation center BBRZ, 1020 Vienna

March 2015 - March 2017

Psychosocial caregiver

Psycosocial caregiver for unaccompanied minor refugees, FSW, 1200 Vienna


Psychosocial caregiver

 Social educational community for young people, Jugend am Werk, 1170 Vienna

2014 -2015

Psychosocial caregiver

Winter emergency quarters, Caritas, 1150 Vienna



2017 – 2018          Crisis Intervention Center, 1090 Vienna


2014 - 2015          Clinic Nanny, neuro-oncology ward AKH, 1090 Vienna

2013                      "die möwe" - child protection center, 1010 Vienna

2012 - 2013           "147 - Rat auf Draht",  1130 Vienna

2011 – 2012           Hotline for eating disorders, WIG, 1200 Vienna

Member at:


Österreichisches Netzwerk für Traumatherapie ÖNT


EMDR Fachgesellschaft Österreich EMDR


Zentrum für angewandte Psychotraumatologie, ZAP Wien

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